Almost 70 years have passed since Abraham Maslow’s classic Psychological Review paper proposing a hierarchical approach to human motivation. Maslow’s model had an immense influence on the field of psychology, including the subfields of personality, social psychology, psychopathology, developmental psychology, and organizational behavior, and it continues to be cited widely in Dec 12, · Topic D Questionnaires - types of questions Phobias SLT, Bandurra, Mineka, Bennet-Levy and Marteau, Slater and Shield Evolutionary Theory, Seligman (preparedness), Classical Conditioning Theory – Pavlov (make sure you know the process) Watson and Rayner - Little Albert The concept of biological preparedness (Seligman, ) proposes that there would be an adaptive advantage to develop certain (‘ancient’) fears more readily than others, for example, fear of heights or of strangers, because such fears would increase the survival (and ultimate reproduction) of an individual
Stressor - Wikipedia
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You can change your ad preferences anytime. Psychology 4 to 8 mark questions. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this presentation? Why not share! Psych Chapters Midterm 1 by Darrel Adams views Questions and short answers by teacher-vero views Psychology EXAM Seligman preparedness theory AND ANSWERS by MHGanainy views.
Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. sagaya amithateam led at HTC at HTC. Aanand Shukla, seligman preparedness theory. Bilal Khan. Bonnie James. Show More. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Psychology 4 to 8 mark questions 1. Psychology 4 to 8 mark Questions 2. Some exam terms and what they mean. Analyse - Take apart an idea, concept or statement and examine and criticise its sub-parts in detail.
You have to be methodical and logical. Seligman preparedness theory - Put items side by side to see their similarities and differences — a balanced objective answer is required Describe - Give details of processes, properties, events and so on. Discuss - Describe, explain, give examples, points for and against, then analyse and evaluate the results. Explain - Give detailed reasons for an idea, principle or result, seligman preparedness theory, situation, attitude and so on.
You may need to give some analysis as well, seligman preparedness theory. Evaluate — Strengths and Weaknesses, at least 2 of each a judgement in the conclusion 3, seligman preparedness theory. Depending on what the question is asking you it could be: Easy just remember the PEE Structure. Seligman preparedness theory the examiner will be looking to see if you understand the topic. They will NEVER ask you a large mark question if the there are not enough points to make in the section.
You can be awarded marks on how you structure the answer, so that it makes sense and follows on from the question. These are at the end of each study in the book. Strength 1 or 2 Strengths to be on the safe side and then WHY they are strengths. Weakness 1 or 2 Weaknesses to be on the safe side and then WHY they are strengths. If you are asked to comment on a study someone in the examination is conducting Q?
If you do not do this you can only get Max 2 marks. Then same rules apply, 1 mark one point. PEE Structure. Philip was always pushing over other children at school. None of the other children would play with him. His teachers thought his aggression came from his biological make up. Balanced arguments Nature V Nurture With these types of questions the examiner is looking for a balanced understanding.
Looking at Both sides, seligman preparedness theory. Using the nature-nurture debate, explain why people might have phobias. Mark 1 — 2 Brief or basic comments that may be limited or one-sided. May be unbalanced. One comment must be well expressed for both sides of the debate. Answer should be balanced. No marks for aim s or procedure. Ignore strengths. Planning for answers Know you case studies!!!!!!! What are the main case studies for Each Topic and what idea do they support from seligman preparedness theory topic.
Topic A Biology of the eye — Seligman preparedness theory Cones, optic nerve, visual cortex, optic chiasma Depth Cues — Linear Perspective, Texture Gradient, Relative Size, Superimposition, Height in the Plane. Illusions — Distortion, After effect, Illusory contour, seligman preparedness theory, Ambiguous Figure. Ponzo Illusion, Herring Illusion, Muller Lyer, Kanizsa triangle, Gregory V Gestalt Bartlett Palmer Carmichael. Experimental method.
Topic B Structure and functions of the nervous system, How the brain sends signals. Freud and dreams Symbols and Dream analysis Hobson and McCarleys theory of Dreaming biological theory Activation synthesis. Comparing Dream Theories. Case Studies — Little Hans Topic C Whitman King Bandurra Ramirez Anderson and Dill Charlton Williams Ethical Issues Educational Psychologist Censorship and Watershed Topic D Questionnaires - types of questions Phobias SLT, Bandurra, Mineka, Bennet-Levy and Marteau, Slater and Shield Evolutionary Theory, Seligman preparednessClassical Conditioning Theory — Pavlov make sure you know the process Watson and Rayner - Little Albert.
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The HORRID Pain of Learned Helplessness
, time: 6:47Psychopathology Revision Notes | Simply Psychology
Dec 12, · Topic D Questionnaires - types of questions Phobias SLT, Bandurra, Mineka, Bennet-Levy and Marteau, Slater and Shield Evolutionary Theory, Seligman (preparedness), Classical Conditioning Theory – Pavlov (make sure you know the process) Watson and Rayner - Little Albert A stressor is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event seen as causing stress to an organism. Psychologically speaking, a stressor can be events or environments that individuals might consider demanding, challenging, and/or threatening individual safety The concept of biological preparedness (Seligman, ) proposes that there would be an adaptive advantage to develop certain (‘ancient’) fears more readily than others, for example, fear of heights or of strangers, because such fears would increase the survival (and ultimate reproduction) of an individual
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