Geology. The following summary of my research proposal serves to explain the goals and nature of my work. Sedimentology And Significance Of An Anomalous Quartzose Unit Within A Lithic-Rich Fluvial-Dominated Foreland Basin, Kootenai Formation, Western Montana The majority of our Geology Phd Research Proposal writers have advanced degrees and years of Ph.D.-level research and writing experience. They know what dissertation committees want. They’ll do the research and the writing and prepare you to defend your dissertation!/10() Phd Research Proposal Geology, where should writers put quotes in an essay, can i open a college essay with, textual analysis sample essays Premium quality World-class native English-speaking writers with advanced degrees at elite U.S. schools/10()
The following summary of my research proposal serves to explain the goals and nature of my work. Sedimentology And Significance Of An Anomalous Quartzose Unit Within A Lithic-Rich Fluvial-Dominated Foreland Basin, Kootenai Formation, Western Montana. In brief, the purpose of my project is to determine the origin of a poorly understood rock unit that occurs within in the Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation along the Missouri River near Great Falls, Montana.
Immediately south of my proposed field area, the unit exhibits physical properties that indicate deposition in a shallow, tide-dominated, phd research proposal geology, marine seaway that temporarily flooded the western Montana region about million years ago Fig. However, distinctly different properties are reported to characterize the unit a short distance to the north along my phd research proposal geology study area.
Foreland basins are large sedimentary basins that form upon continental crust alongside compressional plate mountain belts. Because of this, thinner crust is simultaneously forced to subside forming a ~ km wide sedimentary basin which extends along the length of the mountain belt DeCelles and Giles, ; Schwartz and DeCelles, The foreland basin simultaneously receives lithic-rich sediment that is sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous debris that is eroded from the adjacent mountain belt.
Because of this dynamic relationship, sedimentary layers within the basin reflect mountain-belt growth by means of their particle composition and physical features that indicate transport by ancient rivers into the basin. In westernmost Montana, phd research proposal geology million-year-old Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation was deposited in a foreland basin located east of such a mountain belt. Most data from the Kootenai is consistent with the above model and indicates lithic-rich sediment deposition in river systems and alluvial plains draining mountainous uplifts to west Walker, ; DeCelles, ; Berkhouse, However, mineral composition, hydrodynamic indicators, and sediment transport direction data for the Third Kootenai Member KK3are inconsistent with all other Kootenai rock units.
The occurrence of thick bodies of chemically stable and mechanically durable quartz sand and paleo-environmental evidence within the KK3 led Vuke-Foster to suggest a non-specific shallow marine origin with source areas located east of the foreland basin in the tectonically stable continental interior.
Most recently, detailed studies of hydrodynamic indicators preserved within the KK3 document a high-energy tidal sea origin, similar to modern North Sea settings, associated with southward marine inundation of the foreland basin Spinelli, ; Widrig, Compared to rocks in the Spinelli-Widrig study area Fig.
However, the sandstone is also reported to be quartzose, similar to the tidal KK3 in the south. Phd research proposal geology contradiction between fluvial channel Walker, and open tidal sea Spinelli, ; Widrig, interpretations for the same rock unit lead me to test for the alternate possibility of shoreline associated tidal channel origin in the Missouri River area.
Specifically, the purpose of my study is several fold:. tidal channel, phd research proposal geology. My work would be the first detailed sedimentologic analysis of the KK3 along the Missouri River in which data would be phd research proposal geology to specific aspects of fluid motion as known from modern laboratory studies and modern systems.
The findings should serve as unusual insight into the evolution and marine flooding of foreland basins including aspects of large-scale current circulation within the basin. The detailed sedimentology of outcrops will be used to identify KK3 environmental systems. Sedimentologic features such as bed geometry, texture, sedimentary structures, erosional surfaces, and faunal content serve as evidence for depositional environments.
In addition, details of physical sedimentary structures, including vertical and lateral sedimentary structure sequences, will be analyzed to identify the kinematics of fluid motion and compared to those of particular modern depositional environments. For example, the properties of tidal flow, including reversing flow direction, repetition, time-velocity asymmetry, and spring-neap progression are recognizable in the rock record Klein,; Boersma and Terwindt, ; Allen, ; Kreisa and Moiola, ; Kvale and Archer, ; Meyers and Schwartz, Field techniques will include documentation phd research proposal geology the geometry of features description, photo, sketch, measurement as well as the orientation of features Brunton compass.
Sediment transport patterns will be determined by means of standard cross-stratification measurement techniques using a dip direction indicator and Brunton compass DeCelles, et al. Laboratory products will include computer plots of quantitative paleocurrent data, phd research proposal geology, measured stratigraphic sequences, measured sedimentary structures, and all other graphics required for the resulting thesis.
Allen, J. Berkhouse, G. Boersma, J. DeCelles, P. Basin Research, v. Langford, and Schwartz, R. Sedimentary Petrology, v. Klein, G. Kreisa, R. Kvale, E. and Archer, A. Lower PennsylvanianIndiana: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. Meyers, J. and R. Schwartz,Summary of Depositional Environments, Paleogeography, and Structural Control on Sedimentation in the Late Jurassic Oxfordian Sundance Foreland Basin, Western Montana.
In Caputo, phd research proposal geology, M. and Franczyk, K. Schwartz, phd research proposal geology, R. K and P. DeCelles,Cordilleran Foreland Basin Evolution in Response to Interactive Cretaceous Thrusting and Foreland Partitioning, Southwestern Montana.
Geological Society of America Memoirp. Spinelli, M. Vuke-Foster, phd research proposal geology, S. Twelfth Annual Field Conference, p.
Walker, T. Widrig, A. Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, v. Geology Navigation Geology.
Geology Major B. Geology Minor Environmental Geology Major B. Sedimentology And Significance Of An Anomalous Quartzose Unit Within A Lithic-Rich Fluvial-Dominated Foreland Basin, Kootenai Formation, Western Montana I.
Project Statement Overview: In brief, the purpose of my project is to determine the origin of a poorly understood rock unit that occurs within in the Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation along the Missouri River near Great Falls, Montana. Background and Purpose: Foreland basins are large sedimentary basins that form upon continental crust alongside compressional plate mountain belts. Specifically, the purpose of my study is several fold: 1 To collect data from physical structures within the KK3 that serve as evidence for hydrodynamic processes which are linked to specific types of environmental systems such as fluvial channel vs.
tidal channel 2 To collect data from physical structures in order to document paleo-transport directions. Methods: The detailed sedimentology of outcrops will be used to identify KK3 environmental systems. References Cited Allen, J.
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, time: 14:19Doctoral Thesis Research Proposal () 1 of 18 Please note: This is a sample PhD thesis proposal for the School of Geography Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University. It may be used by PhD students as an example of the length an d form at of a past, accepted proposal, but it Phd Research Proposal Geology, where should writers put quotes in an essay, can i open a college essay with, textual analysis sample essays Premium quality World-class native English-speaking writers with advanced degrees at elite U.S. schools/10() Geology. The following summary of my research proposal serves to explain the goals and nature of my work. Sedimentology And Significance Of An Anomalous Quartzose Unit Within A Lithic-Rich Fluvial-Dominated Foreland Basin, Kootenai Formation, Western Montana
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