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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Vocal dialects, amazon parrot dissertation, sex-biased dispersal, and microsatellite population structure in the parrot Amazona auropalliata Molecular Ecology, amazon parrot dissertation, Angelica Rodriguez.
Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Vocal dialects, sex-biased dispersal, and microsatellite population structure in the parrot Amazona auropalliata. Molecular Ecology 14, — doi: x Vocal dialects, sex-biased dispersal, and microsatellite Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. population structure in the parrot Amazona auropalliata T I M O T H Amazon parrot dissertation F.
There was no relationship between the genetic distances between individuals and their dialect membership. High rates of gene flow were estimated between vocal dialects based on genetic differentiation. In addition, 5. The number of effective migrants per generation between dialects estimated with the micro- satellite data was roughly one-seventh the number estimated with mitochondrial control region sequence data from the same individuals, suggesting that gene flow may be female-biased.
Together, these results suggest that the observed mosaic pattern of geographic variation in vocalizations is maintained by learning of local call types by immigrant birds after disper- sal, amazon parrot dissertation.
We found no evidence that ongoing habitat fragmentation has contributed to cryptic population structure. The reduced dispersal hypothesis predicts that gene Vocal dialects have been documented in a range of bird flow will also be reduced between dialects. In this case there would individuals from one dialect to another.
Dispersal could be be no expectation of genetic structuring along dialect limited because immigrants to a new dialect experience boundaries no matter how long these boundaries have been reduced survival due to ecological specializations to present.
Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Amazon parrot dissertation, While a number of empirical studies have examined NM USA; Fax: ; E-mail: wright nmsu. F L E I S C H E R found limited evidence for a general concordance between Parker et al. In some cases there is size of the nuclear genome Birky et al. acted by an increased likelihood of alleleic size homoplasy ; Balaban In the latter case, amazon parrot dissertation, these genetic discon- for loci with extremely high mutation rates Estoup et al.
On the other hand, if dispersal between different subspecies Kroodsma et al, amazon parrot dissertation. Perhaps the strongest evidence for an isolat- solution provided by multilocus microsatellite genotypes ing effect of vocal dialects comes from recent work on amazon parrot dissertation could be used to identify close relatives sampled in differ- mountain white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophys ent dialects, one of which would presumably represent a orianthaamazon parrot dissertation, in which a significant relationship was found recent migration event Hedrick ; Flagstad et al.
This finding and microsatellite patterns can give insight into the bio- suggests that rapidly evolving microsatellites may be a logy of vocal dialects not available from studies using only good marker for detecting population divergence spurred a single marker type.
Of particular interest is how males by recently arisen vocal variation. and females may differ in the acquisition of the sex-specific The yellow-naped amazon Amazona auropalliata has portions of their repertoire and how dispersal patterns large regional dialects throughout its range in Central might affect this acquisition. If sex-biased dispersal America.
Dialects in this parrot species are defined by occurs across dialect boundaries, then estimates of gene acoustic shifts in multiple classes of the vocal repertoire flow will differ between maternally inherited mtDNA and Wrightamazon parrot dissertation,and birds respond differently to play- biparentally inherited microsatellites e, amazon parrot dissertation.
Lyrholm et al. Dorin Evidence from based on a variety of data and thus provide values that recordings deposited in sound libraries suggest that dia- can be directly compared between microsatellites and lects are present throughout the Central American range of mtDNA. Furthermore, the occurrence also provide valuable information for conservation of the of dialects in the sister species Amazona ochrocephala and yellow-naped amazon. A previous study of population variation and, more recently, large-scale agriculture Janzen Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited as a amazon parrot dissertation IUCN Parrot Conservation Action Plan Snyder et al.
The habitat fragmentation such as microsatellites could provide a more detailed pic- experienced by this amazon parrot dissertation could potentially have reduced ture of these processes. For example, amazon parrot dissertation, if dialects do isolate gene flow between populations in ways that are not asso- populations but these vocal differences have only recently ciated with vocal dialects.
Microsatellites can be used to become established, then the high rates of mutation exper- test for cryptic population structure that may result from ienced by microsatellites could allow a more rapid accu- habitat fragmentation; these data would be of value to in mulation of novel alleles in different populations than amazon parrot dissertation efforts to preserve this species and numerous other would occur for mtDNA Hedrick ; Waits et al.
We evalu- ix Tamarindo 2. Sixty-six of our 75 samples were obtained from of the same individuals using a maximum-likelihood esti- nestlings; in 41 nests that contained more than one chick, mator of migration rates. We also use data from micro- we randomly selected one chick for genotyping, amazon parrot dissertation. Pairs satellites to examine the possibility of cryptic population will reuse the same nesting cavities in subsequent years structure in amazon parrot dissertation species that could result from habitat T, amazon parrot dissertation.
Wright, unpublished so cavities were sampled once fragmentation. over the course of the study. Of the remaining nine birds in our sample, six were nesting females at nests from which no chicks were sampled and three were non-nesting birds. Materials and methods We extracted DNA from either feather tips or blood samples preserved in lysis buffer Longmire et al.
We amplified eight unlinked We collected genetic samples from 75 individuals at nine polymorphic loci using primers originally designed for the sites between and Fig. Sites were defined as congener Amazona guildingii Russello amazon parrot dissertation al.
Magne- collections of nests within a 5-km radius. Loci were amplified with polymerase chain reaction PCR in µL volumes with a final concentration of 1X PCR buffer, 0.
PCR was performed on PTC Thermocycler MJ Research with a profile of 95 °C for 5 min 12 min for AmpliTaq Gold30 cycles of 95 °C for 30 s, 50—58 °C for 45 s, and 72 °C for 60 s, and 10 min of extension at 72 °C. Products were sized on Genetic Analyser Applied Biosystems with genescan version 3. Genotypes were scored using genotyper version 2. Positive controls were included to ensure consistent size scoring across all runs. All loci showed Mendelian inheritance indicating autosomal linkage.
We also sequenced bp of the first domain of the amazon parrot dissertation control region and flanking region. This species has duplicate mtDNA control regions; we ampli- fied from the first control region using primers LThr and Fig.
Products were PCR-amplified at which parrots were sampled within two vocal dialects. Dark in µL volumes with final concentrations of 1X PCR buffer, amazon parrot dissertation, grey shading indicates the extent of the North dialect, light grey 0.
PCR was performed on PTC study. running sequencing analysis 3, amazon parrot dissertation. F L E I S C H E R Sequences were edited and aligned using sequencher by amazon parrot dissertation log-likelihoods of a primary hypothesis 4. each locus across the entire population and tested for To evaluate the extent of sex-biased gene flow across deviations from Hardy—Weinberg equilibrium HWE vocal dialect boundaries, we also estimated gene flow using genepop version 3, amazon parrot dissertation.
When estimating migration rates using genetic distances between all individuals based on Dps, the mtDNA, migrate calculates the effective number of proportion of shared alleles Bowcock et al, amazon parrot dissertation. In the case of Schlötterer Correspondence between the genetic a sex ratio and low variance in male reproductive suc- distance matrix amazon parrot dissertation matrices of geographic distances cess, Nf would be equivalent to half of the Ne calculated for between sampling sites and dialect membership was tested microsatellite data P.
Beerli, personal communication. It using Mantel tests Mantel implemented in the pro- is thus theoretically possible to detect a sex-bias in gene gram r version 4. Amazon parrot dissertation used flow if the estimated migration rates for the maternally matrices of interindividual distances rather than intersite inherited mtDNA differ from those of the amazon parrot dissertation distances because of unequal sample sizes among sites. inherited microsatellites.
We ran 10 replicate runs for the We used a number of methods to estimate migration mtDNA sequences using the default parameters for the rates between vocal dialects using the microsatellite data. sequence data model, with the exception of an empirically We used the maximum-likelihood amazon parrot dissertation approach based transition:transversion rate of We used default parameters for the step- single value for overall number of migrants exchanged wise mutation microsatellite data model with constant between dialects Nem assuming an equal sex ratio and no mutation rates among loci, starting estimates based on FST variance in reproductive success.
We report the esti- among the sampling sites, we used the model-based clustering mates for 4Nem in each direction between the two dialects method implemented in structure version 2. We ran structure for 10 replicate runs at Felsenstein dividing by 4.
For comparison, we estimated Nem using the We used default parameters for the admixture model private alleles method Slatkin implemented in genepop. with no sampling site information, correlated allele amazon parrot dissertation We used kinship version 1. The number of alleles that location, amazon parrot dissertation. Similar results not shown were obtained using δµ2, amazon parrot dissertation, a genetic distance based on the stepwise mutation model Goldstein et al.
Several lines of evidence indicated substantial ongoing gene flow between vocal dialects. Genetic distances are between the two dialects. measured as Dps, the proportion of shared alleles, amazon parrot dissertation. Analysis of relatedness in kinship identified a sub- stantial number of cross-dialect pairs of relatives at the Mean expected heterozygosity across all loci was 0. Of pairs of individuals mean observed heterozygosity was 0.
All loci were in examined across dialect boundaries, 72 pairs 5. Genetic distances between responding to a type II error of 0. dialect Fig. a barrier to gene flow in the yellow-naped amazon.
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Science, , – playbacks of different dialects. Ethology, , – Payne RB () Population structure and social behavior: models Wright TF, Wilkinson GS () Population genetic structure and for testing the ecological significance of song dialects in birds. vocal dialects in an amazon parrot The lilac-crowned amazon (Amazona finschi) is a parrot endemic to the Pacific slopes of blogger.com known as Finsch's amazon, it is characterized by green plumage, a maroon forehead, and violet-blue crown and neck.. The binomial of this bird commemorates the German naturalist and explorer Otto Finsch.. In , BirdLife International classified this species as vulnerable Nov 04, · Amazon Parrot Dissertation, persuasive essay ideas for high school, essay 2 paragraph using uncertainty, how to add a footnote in an essay. Free Revision Facility Is Available For Your Satisfaction. Customer's feedback: The assignment is done at high level. I’ll buy more papers from you
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